Realising Your Success
It takes considerable time, study and effort to create the opportunity to become a medical specialist.
In high pressure and increasingly demanding environments, time is a very scarce resource. That’s where we come in. Essentially our role is to help realise your success financially and empower your future.
Get excellent financial advice from experts
Understand what you need to structure, protect and flexibly manage your growing financial resources
Implement a plan that enables you to build your practice and skills, while we take care of the finances and time consuming detail
We understand the demands of running a successful medical practice in the 21st century. We give medical specialists their time back to focus on challenges and opportunities in their profession.
We specialise in providing advice to medical specialists through a range of skills and services, including:
Strategic thinking and financial advice for the best results overtime
Dedicated financial resources to manage your affairs and realise your financial success, while you successfully manage your practice
Long and short term goal-setting, mentoring and the pursuit of financial stability and growth through the various stages of life
Estate and succession advice, where applicable
Tax planning with accounting and compliance to finish it off
We Realise Success
When it comes to your financial affairs, we’ll provide imaginative solutions. Imagination leads to creativity; creativity leads to learning.
If you’re looking for a slow moving practice with marble halls and marbled thoughts, you’ve come to the wrong place.
Gunderson Briggs provides results and continuity. We think first, and worry about the box later. The important thing is to measure the right things right, be it tax payable, cash flow, return on investments, economic value add, capital required or just love and understanding.
How It Works
We spend time understanding your professional aspirations, goals and opportunities.
We think creatively about your short-and longer-term needs to develop and finance your opportunities.
That leads to a plan which we then implement. We keep building that plan and achieve results to realise your success.
A Key Issue
““Australia, like many developed countries, will face serious policy challenges that it will need to address over the next decade; in particular, an increasing ageing population, increased medical technology costs, the public-private mix of health expenditure, structural research issues within the medical sector, equity considerations across groups and rapid urbanisation.””