Lucy Urquart
Lucy is Gunderson Briggs' resident artist, who has been hanging her incredible work in our offices since 2015. Lucy has studied a Bachelor of Design in Architecture at Sydney University and a Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours) at the National Art School which has formed the basis for many of her works. A strong blend of geometric shapes, lines and structures often intertwined with a more organic, fluid material, showing both sides of her artistic education.
Lucy has been the recipient of several awards throughout her years as an artist, such as:
Prize for ‘Best Film Concept’ in Digital Image Design and Representation, University of Sydney
Noel Chettel Memorial Art Prize for Painting, University of Sydney
Sydney Canvas Company Prize for Painting, National Art School
Art History and Theory Staff Award, National Art School.
Clyde and Co. Community Art Award, Highly Commended.
Finalist for the Brett Whiteley Travelling Scholarship.
William Fletcher Foundation Residency, Highly Commended
ONE BRIGHT AFTERNOON, A MOMENT OF HARMONY, 2015 acrylic on canvas, 152cm × 304cm,
All painting seen in the banner photos of our website are Lucy’s work.