Bibek Babe


Born and raised in the capital city of Nepal, Kathmandu. Growing up in such a culturally old, buzzing and hot mess of a city; is where I learnt my ethos to life – to be happy with what you have, but never to settle for less.

To kick-off my journey, I came to Sydney back in 2018 to purse my post-grad studies in Master of Professional Accounting from CQUniversity in 2018. I worked as a part-time administration officer for NSW Health as well as a team member in a retail store. After getting my master’s degree, I wanted to explore new areas and build my professional career in accounting. I joined the Gunderson Briggs team at the start of 2022, and I feel very lucky and honoured for this opportunity to work with such great people who have helped me learn and explore more about the accounting world.

The best part of all this? I have enjoyed every bit of it as I get to taste the best coffees every morning, do coastal walks on the weekends with friends, go to gigs of my favourite bands, get trashed by the waves after forgetting to swim between the flags and to work for a truly colourful firm.

My most favourite thing to do is discovering and talking about music with others. I also love collecting vinyls and spending time learning new riffs on my six string Fender. Recently, learnt to play Ziggy Stardust by David Bowie and now it’s my favourite song to play every time I pick a guitar.